NXE - New Xbox Experience
So as widely covered pretty much everywhere Microsoft has rolled out the NXE or New Xbox Experience.
I updated my 360 this morning and I must say that so far I'm digging things. Sure I've got the whole "wow this is new and different" going on... But I can see how in another month or so I'll be completely comfortable with the new interface.
If nothing else I'm all for the Avatars. I can't wait to see what they do to expand the clothes... Mostly from the standpoint that who wouldn't want to have a suit of armor from Mass Effect, Halo, or Gears of War to be able to wear on their Avatar?
Speaking of which, it looks like there's a service where you can use your Avatar on the web/in emails by this simple URL:
Just change out where it says [gamertag] to be your GamerTag (use %20 if you have a space in your Tag) and you get your Avatar.
This is what mine looks like:

I'm pretty happy with how I turned out. =)
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