Tuesday, August 17, 2004

July 4th Pictures

Okay... I *finally* got the frelling July 4th pictures edited and albumized.

Found a neat-o program that did a lot of the work for me.

Anywho, click on the link over on the right hand side under "Random Links" to peruse the pictures.

There are a couple more I need to get from Dwarf out there and add to the whole thing. But this is a good start.

The main images are pretty big, so I'd recommend maximizing your broswer if you don't want to have to scroll around to see each one. Most of them have little captions down at the bottom, too.




Blogger Justus Outlaw said...

Nice Pictures. Tell Amber that Justus says Hi. And that he wants his Sarah MacLachlan tape back.

8/22/2004 1:29 PM  

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