Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Mornings suck...

People give me crap about the difficulty I have getting up "early" fairly often. It's not unheard of of me sleeping in till after Noon on the first day I get to "sleep in" on the weekend.

It's not lack of sleep, it's not sleep apnea... it just *is*. You'd think after 30 years I'd be able to explain to someone how my body works and they'd beleive me instead of trying to blow it off as me not getting enough sleep or something...

I really wish those people could step into my shoes for a while to see how hard it really is for me to get up at any reasonable AM timeframe...

...then maybe they'd finally shut up with the jokes and the complaints about me being a walking zombie in the AM.

I doubt it, but you never know. It would be nice...



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