Thursday, July 20, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Picture Share!
Originally uploaded by SpykeWookiee.
So after I picked up breakfast from McD's since I was awake WAY too early I literally ran into on of the local flocks of geese. They were just chillin and walking across the parking lot. About 20-30 of them. They didn't care I was there, it was great. =)Some other pics:

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Things good friends do...
Good friends get up at 4am to pick their friend up at 5am to get to the airport by 6am for their plane that leaves at 7am.
Wookiee needs caffeine... Badly!
As they say... What are friends for? =)
.ungawa Read more!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
WoW: Hardware Store
I love me some Weird Al!
Originally from:
.ungawa Read more!